Sunday, September 18, 2016

Changing text on a picado banner

I found this beautiful papel picado banner on the Silhouette Design Store that I wanted to use for my baby's first birthday. Problem is it says Happy Mother's Day. How do I change that? I Googled and didn't really come up with anything. So I posted a question in one of the Facebook groups I belong to. I got a few responses but they didn't quite give me the same look as the text in the original banner. Back to square one. So I Googled some more....and came up with Melissa's Melissa's tutorial about welding text and shapes. Score! It gave me an idea so I applied some of her instructions to the banner. It worked! Here are my steps:

1. Delete "Feliz Dia De Las Madres" text.
2. Using Draw a Rectangle tool, I drew in a rectangle in the blank spots where the previous text used to be.
3. Using Text tool, I input my desired text inside the rectangle I just drew in. I also sized it to make sure there was a slight overlap over each line.
4. Selected both the shape and the text using the Select tool.
5. Open the Modify Window and click on Subtract. Ta-da!

Modify your cut settings as needed and send that bad boy to your Silhouette!

I hope this helped!